I hate insomnia.
biggest worrier
comicsWe all have strengths.
seem normal
comicsWe are all trying.
comicsWe are all a bit chonky in some ways.
i had expectations
comicsExpectations won’t make you happy.
target for anger
comicsIt’s like a fire.
make me happy
comicsHappiness is not attained.
push myself too much
comicsWe can always do more.
comicsCats come from blobs.
all that green
comicsGreen is good.
i’m an introvert
comicsThere’s nothing wrong with being alone.
only think of ourselves
comicsEmpathy takes work.
so lazy
comicsIt can be annoying.
these emotions
comicsJust let them be around you.
worlds inside us
comicsTry to see that from the outside.
log emotions
comicsSometimes, emotions can be difficult.
like something so much
comicsWe don’t know what is going to happen.
boring routine
comicsNot everyone is so lucky.
looks risky
comicsTaking risks can be scary.
20 years later
comicsSometimes, it’s hard to forget the past.
pay the rent
comicsIt’s nice to be home.
comicsYou are responsible for your actions.
something unique
comicsNone of us are the same.
comicsYou can’t stay excited forever.
low salary
comicsMoney isn’t everything.