We adapt to most things.
someone special
comicsSomeone you enjoy spending time with.
can’t live without this
comicsWe don’t need things.
more attractive
comicsNothing is more valuable.
comicsIt’s a rare occurrence.
ok to age
comicsWe all get older.
6000 degrees of awesome
comicsWe are all stars.
in line
comicsDon’t just follow the crowd.
foolish blobs
comicsIt’s nice to be noticed.
learning about myself
comicsIt takes time to know ourselves.
i’m snow
comicsBeauty is fleeting.
foresee the future
comicsYou can’t be certain of what will happen.
sleeping cutely
comicsRespect the cuteness.
life has no meaning
comicsFind your own meaning.
love yourself
comicsIt’s not always easy.
expressing our needs
comicsTake care of yourself.
spine fails
comicsOur body tells us when to rest.
have to let loose
comicsGive yourself wiggle room.
you can’t not change
comicsGet used to it.
ghost library
comicsLibraries are important.
the land of hearts
comicsKeep your heart.
identify with me
stay afloat
comicsGo with the flow.
the relic of answers
comicsNothing is certain.
comicsThere is cuteness everywhere.