Do the right thing.
comicsSome things are too good to be true.
more creative
comicsWe all need to express ourselves.
small mistake
comicsNobody’s perfect.
learn from them
comicsWe all get emotional from time to time.
what a beautiful daaaay
comicsWe all make mistakes.
affect you so much
comicsGood and bad.
are you sure
spooky season
comicsThey are always cute.
smile until you smile
comicsSmiling is contagious.
comicsYou can’t escape life.
eye contact
comicsEye contact.
leaf pile
comicsWe all have weaknesses.
don’t like your perspective
comicsYou have a choice.
autumn colors
comicsOrange you glad it’s autumn?
self hug
comicsCuddling weather.
why should i
comicsHow can we fit in if we are all different?
life as a mountain
comicsEvery life is different.
be that fish
comicsBe that fish.
a lot of work
comicsDo it!
i tried once
comicsTrying is hard.
attached to this life
comicsLife can change quickly.
box life
comicsWhat box are you in?
down in the depths
comicsYou will come back.
push yourself too far
comicsTake care of yourself.