Get some perspective.
cooling flame
comicsIt warms our spirit.
state of existence
comicsIt’s all relative.
mindlessness withdrawal
comicsMost of us are addicted.
define your happiness
comicsOnly you can decide what makes you happy.
acknowledge it
comicsAnxiety attaches itself to things to help you notice them.
comicsYou can’t make others agree with you.
keep moving forward
comicsNo matter the pace, keep going.
short-term pain
comicsRemove what’s making you unhappy.
look closer
comicsThere is meaning everywhere.
small group
comicsPower should be shared.
what do you think
comicsWe all have something to share.
that depends
comicsKnow your worth.
empty existence
comicsWe all have wants.
make time for nothing
comicsRest is important.
what’s beneath
comicsWork on yourself instead.
constant state of anxiety
comicsEveryone has their own struggles.
having control
comicsTry to let go.
you do
comicsYou will enjoy it more.
only takes one
comicsDon’t be that one.
comicsJust go around.
can’t do something
comicsGive it a try.
brain waves
comicsGet out of your head.
personal growth
comicsSelf-improvement takes work.
what heals you
comicsIt’s part of your journey.