What did you win?
time to think
comicsWhat are you thinking about these days?
sign these
comicsWhat would be your new name?
comicsWhat are you excited for?
i’m not good enough
comicsWhat’s your idea of good enough?
cozy blanket weather
comicsWhat makes you sleepy?
comicsWhat is goodness?
things are really bad
comicsHow are you improving things?
comicsHow do you create excitement in your life?
okay to be different
comicsHow are you different?
face the world
comicsWhat do you need to face?
comicsWhen were you lost for words?
feel so cozy
comicsHow do you get into cozy mode?
moral grey area
comicsWhat’s a grey area you are comfortable in?
this time of year
comicsWhen did everyone notice you?
no regrets
comicsWhat don’t you regret?
anyone new
comicsWhat’s a unique way you met someone?
mud monster
comicsWho do you want a hug from?
robot brain
comicsWhat change made you happier?
what to do
comicsWhat question do you want answered?
comicsWhat makes you feel cozy?
comicsWhat’s your favorite season and why?
life goes by quickly
comicsWhat are you nostalgic for?
so alone
comicsWhat’s a problem you created?
i know better
comicsWhat are you an amateur expert on?