That’s it.
you should change
comicsNobody wants to change.
you see today
comicsAppreciate it.
comicsDenial is powerful.
see your potential
comicsYou will get better.
the next stage
comicsYou can see it.
comicsStop the cycle.
anger is masked fear
comicsWe all get scared.
with each step
comicsFeel the connection.
take your time
comicsYou will get there.
what you have
comicsTry to appreciate it.
can you sit
comicsEnjoy the moment.
different versions of ourselves
comicsThat’s growth.
i’m very old
comicsAge doesn’t equal wisdom.
go somewhere else
comicsThere is so much to learn.
more important
comicsDon’t ignore them.
i ate too much
comicsRain is coming.
we all get stronger
comicsWe have to.
wash some things away
comicsLife keeps going.
the unknown isn’t popular
comicsGood and bad can happen.
i’m safe here
comicsDon’t hide.
others and yourself
comicsCare for both.
hurt once
comicsBe careful.
we can’t know everything
comicsMaybe that’s better.
that heaviness
comicsLet it float away.