elaborate use of time
comicsEnnui is the enemy.
give us hope
comicsBeing and adult is hard.
the emotional ones
comicsWe all can make changes.
choose your opponent
comicsI don’t like difficult things.
many emotions
so much to do
comicsIt’s easier to stress about it.
air purifier
home after a trip
comicsAdjustments take adjustment.
right direction
comicsSatisfaction comes from dissatisfaction.
for the best
comicsYou’ll see.
make your dreams
comicsIt’s not easy.
i love nature
comicsNature addiction.
nothing compares to home
comicsComfort is a luxury.
i’m awake
comicsLife is exhausting.
nothing wrong
comicsEmbrace it.
solve my problems
comicsTelevision is a drug.
makes them stronger
comicsTry to be brave.
comfy town
comicsIt’s a dream.
come on!
comicsProblems are clingy.
we all need hugs
comicsFrom those we care about.
finish your toast
comicsToast = happiness.
get away from technology
comicsI’m addicted.
cute, fat bird
comicsAn exotic chunk.
i earned this