convenient excuses
comicsStop stopping yourself.
i’m a good person
comicsAre you a good person?
extrajudicial squishing
comicsSpiders have rights, too.
hollow parts
comicsWork on your inner self.
i am me
comicsDifferently the same.
comicsSudden depression.
don’t want to face
comicsFace it.
not feel good
comicsFeel what you feel.
doomed to repeat it
comicsFind the cause.
i’m a bear
comicsWe are who we are.
make it brighter
comicsShine on!
cute bee
comicsBee vomit.
waiting for saturday
comicsI love Saturdays.
comicsLife happens.
show your true self
comicsStop hiding.
the blob
comicsLuckily, you aren’t the blob.
a fear we have
comicsLose the fear to stop the anger.
in my own way
being sick
comicsGet well soon!
inner circuits
comicsWe can reprogram ourselves.
the scared one
comicsLet people in.
in the end
comicsKeep climbing.
we’re trying our best
comicsEveryone is trying.
upsetting memories
comicsYou’re stronger than you think.