It’s up to you.
come on, life
comicsIt’s annoying to be frustrated.
life wounds us
comicsWatch out for those.
life is always changing
comicsWe all have perfections.
your world is yours
comicsHold on to it.
i’m a bully
comicsLook at the inside.
negativity is everywhere
comicsDon’t absorb it.
life will shape you
comicsYou are a work in progress.
comicsDon’t take what isn’t yours.
life is stressful
comicsDon’t give up!
what a beautiful day
comicsJust enjoy it.
enjoy life
comicsLife is now.
let things work out
comicsWork hard and be patient.
good for you
comicsGet moving!
should i do this
comicsChoose something.
the greatest oppression
comicsKnow what you support.
exactly the right way
comicsYou did what you thought was right.
comicsBirthdays are nice.
close friends
comicsTake the risk!
i have this skill
comicsIt was fun.
we too have changed
comicsThat’s good.
enjoy the ride
comicsLife keeps going.
tea thief
comicsTea is good.
scared of everything
comicsFear can make you strong.
cool weather is nice
comicsComfy clothes.