Separate from your ego.
rumble rumble
comicsAvoid negativity.
comicsLogic can be upsetting.
things just need time
comicsBe patient.
croonch crunch
comicsHappy Holidays.
good morning
comicsWaking up is annoying.
comicsAlone time is nice.
comicsIt’s nice to be cozy.
only you stop yourself
comicsStop it.
things change very quickly
comicsIncluding us.
comicsIt’s nice to be cute.
comicsLook inward.
block others
comicsWe can’t always avoid others.
real conversations
comicsWe can learn a lot from each other.
just exist
comicsLife is just life.
might have a chance
comicsWe have time.
bzzzt bzzzt bzzzt
comicsYour heart is calling.
can’t let go
comicsLet go.
time for a change
comicsChange is change.
work work work fun
comicsBe in the moment.
why can’t i relax
comicsIt can be hard work.
learn to let go
comicsYou can’t control everything.
shine in the darkness
comicsBe shiny.
life has many surprises
comicsWe don’t know what will happen.