That’s normal.
anxious feelings
comicsDon’t let it hold you back.
not thinking
comicsNot thinking is very powerful.
mundanity of existence
comicsYou can for a short time.
predict the future
comicsJust be here now.
happy saturday
comicsTime to party.
purpose of existence
comicsWe can try.
bright side
comicsYou always have a choice.
cure for inaction
comicsStay active.
so tired
comicsI want to do nothing.
without love
comicsLet people in.
comicsDon’t bother the monster.
life together
comicsWe all try.
comicsSmall annoyances.
go away
comicsRespect my space.
just breathe
comicsIt works.
it’s that guy
nature is nice
comicsSo colorful.
i’m comfortable
gust of wind
comicsWatch out for those wind chills.
it’s over
comicsFall is temporary.
crunch crunch
comicsCrunchy decay.
wrapped up
comicsSnuggling weather is here.
time passes quickly
comicsBe careful how you use it.
time for reading
comicsIt feeds your soul.