Share your ideas.
don’t wait too long
comicsMake it happen.
the high points
comicsThey don’t last forever.
keep growing
comicsDon’t stop learning.
ok to be right
comicsBe real.
hope for the best
comicsLet things unfold.
never lose your self
comicsNot for anyone.
good energy
comicsChoose your attitude.
let yourself want it
comicsBe honest with yourself.
sun and shade
comicsThank you, trees.
to be free
comicsWe all have choices.
comicsLet me rest.
things work out
comicsTrust the craziness.
over the horizon
comicsYou’ll arrive eventually.
in the clouds
comicsFor a little while.
somewhere new
comicsPerspective helps.
finally going well
comicsAppreciate those moments.
hang out in here
comicsMud dries up eventually.
not every step
comicsBut it’s a step.
left alone
comicsLet them have their time.
uncertainty is uncomfortable
comicsUntil it isn’t.
escape from everything
comicsIt all catches up with you.
is this it
comicsSomething is coming.
comicsThat would be perfect.
calorie rich
comicsI can’t stop eating it.