Everyone has challenges.
unique and separate entity
comicsWe experience life together.
gentle hearts
comicsNotice those who do this.
comicsSomeone out there that gets you.
settle down
comicsIt’s not for everyone.
a million years
comicsEternity is a long time.
never mind
comicsThings can change quickly.
comicsWe all need breaks.
always changing
comicsLife is a river.
turn on the heat
comicsDon’t freeze.
some people
comicsThat’s life.
comicsYou make the choices.
we are alive
comicsWinter sneaks up on us.
your brain
comicsUse it.
hay fever
comicsAllergies are annoying.
snow people
comicsThey are coming.
We all get jealous.
face reality
comicsIt’s better to face yourself.
have a conversation
comicsSmall talk.
fall colors
comicsYellows, oranges, and browns.
cat hat
comicsDangerous predator.
dog and cat
comicsGo for what gets your attention.
work was done
comicsI wish.
your self
comicsJust be.
strong and kind
comicsIt’s easy to be one or the other.